Clarissa + Andrew | Liuna Gardens

“Just say Yes” and she did..but he got more than he asked for,.. “I do” that locks her heart with his’, a lifetime bond that will forever be cherished.

Clarissa and Andrew were high school sweethearts. When Clarissa left their home country for Canada, Andrew could not bear the misery of being apart from his beloved. Determined not to let distance come between them, he followed her and never left her side. Then, they finally found each other’s arms.

I am so honored to be given the opportunity to film their special moment. Coming from Andrew, these kind words “never seen a work as good as yours” made me feel blessed that my effort does not go unappreciated or disregarded. For every work that I do, is my masterpiece..where I put my mind and heart into it.

As they celebrated the sacrament of matrimony they sincerely made their solemn pledge to be true to each other in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, whether richer or poorer, will love and honor each other all the days of their life.

We always hear this standard exchange of vows mostly in every Catholic weddings but each time these were uttered, they come out so differently. It just proves that love is so mysterious. Something you just not hear but also feel.

Just like when this couple expressed their vows, even if I was just behind the lens, I could feel deep in me and in the air how sincere and great their love is for each other…and with those tears of love and joy, breathtaking!

To Clarissa and Andrew, keep the love alive! Lots of luck!
